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Last Week's Class
29th- Indian Of The Year
We had a discusion & presentation on the person we would like to nominate as Indian Of The Year. A lot of capable & honest People were nominated. I nominated Barkha Dutt.
After we took the vote the result was clear.
The winner is... Barkha Dutt!
It was obvious!
See You Next Time!!!

Editor's note: We had a discussion in class about our dreams. Should we "dare to dream big" or should we try to be practical and not dream about the impossible. We also asked the children to tell us their dreams, and here is  one report:
                                       MY DREAM .......
                                      By Ashmi Shah
I have always dreamt of becoming an author like Enid Blyton. She was a very imaginative and excellent writer. One day I hope I can write as well as her. I have written four poems already. I am sure I'll succeed one day and become an extraordinary author. So, after ten years, you'll see my name, ASHMI SHAH, in most books! Soon the whole world will know me, I'm sure !
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December 10th 2005 - the class had a discussion on child labour. Here is a report by Ashmi Shah

                                   CHILD LABOUR

                                       By Ashmi Shah


Child and labour are simply two things which can’t go together. But now they have. A kid, a child, should have rights: to play, to sleep, to eat proper food, to get an education, and much more. The child should be given great care and love also, otherwise she or he won’t enjoy their childhood. Some children don’t even have a family, and are just left on the road, and can you believe – they don’t even have a name ! So they are just called RAJU.


Some children are forced to work by their parents so that they get more money. Without thinking, the parents give birth to more and more children for money. But they do not realize that they need more food for such a big family. Children are made to work in glass factories, fireworks factories and many more harmful things which can kill them because their lungs are affected. It’s really harmful. And they get hardly 50 rupees a day for their hard work.


I just wish I was the prime minister and I could stop all this nonsense and build more schools for children


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Please go to "Last Week's Class (Archives)" to view reports on previous classes


Child Labour

By Varun Shah


Child labour should not be there in India.

Child labourers should be allowed to study ahead, and should get help from the government. They should not live on the roads and should be kept in orphanages.

People should donate money to the children and they should be given everything they need in their day to day life. They should be cured if they have any diseases.

November 19th 2005

                                       Report by Ashmi Shah

 We had a debate in my class about cricket. We had two teams: one felt that cricket gets too much attention in India. The other team said that it was okay and it should get all this attention. 


I argued against cricket, because it does get too much publicity. Our team said it was a waste of money and time. Suppose it started raining and a match got cancelled (this happened on Tuesday for the India / South Africa match in Chennai) then all the money spent on the tickets would be wasted. I would rather watch a good movie, which would never be cancelled because of rain !


 Cricket is everywhere ! Even ads on hoardings are all about cricket, and the newspapers are full of cricket articles. Which makes no sense at all. If we give the same time and money and attention to two or three other sports – imagine ! We would win so many trophies and medals during the World Cup or the Olympics !


 Hockey is our national game, but it’s forgotten only because of cricket. Even on TV, it’s all cricket, cricket, cricket, which I think is  a waste of time. Men leave their work and come home just to watch cricket matches. My Daddy watches cricket – he finds it so interesting that he ignores us when we try to ask him something.


 I think it is just ridiculous that people are so crazy about cricket !

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