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By Natasha Merchant

Animal Identification

Polar Bear-

Scientific name-Ursus maritimus

Range-Canada, Alaska, Russia, Greenland and Norway

Habitat-Arctic coast and ice floes

Young per birth-usually 2

Birth weight-21 to 25 ounces, about the size of a chipmunk

Adult weight-660 to 1300 pounds(females are smaller)

Height-up to 4 feet at the shoulder

Length-6.5 to 10 feet

Diet-carnivorous(seals, young walruses, and stranded whales

Life span-15 to 18 years, but some more than 25 years

Predators-other polar bears and humans

Status- no special status


Scientific name- Struthio camelus

Range- East Africa

Habitat-open country and dry savannah

Number of eggs-no easy number

Hatchling weight-2.5 pounds

Adult weight-250 to 345 pounds(females are smaller)

Height-8 to 9 feet

Diet-herbivorous(leaves,flowers,shoots, and seeds)

Life span-40 years and more in the wild.80 and more years in captivity

Predators-Egyptian vultures, hyenas, and jackals

Status-not currently endangered

I will write more as soon as I get the facts of more animals

                       FANTASTIC ANIMAL FACTS

                         By Natasha Merchant


Did you know …. ?


Male monkeys go bald in the same way that human men do


It is possible that whales can hear each other a hundred miles apart.


A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out


Cats’ hearing is even more sensitive than dogs’


The cheetah can reach a speed of up to 45 miles per hour in 2 seconds


Giant squids are as long as a double-decker bus and have the biggest eyes of any animal that has ever lived


In China, the Man in the Moon is a toad.


A hippo can open its mouth so wide that a four-foot-tall person could walk in


A kangaroo can jump only if its tail is touching the ground


A newborn turkey chick has to be taught to eat, or it will starve


At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse and weights about 4 ounces


Bats always turn left when exiting a cave


The first living creature to orbit the earth was a Husky dog called Laika, sent into space by Russia in 1957 aboard Sputnik II


“Zorro” means fox in Spanish


There are a thousand times more living things in the sea than there are on land.



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